Monday, October 29, 2012

Hallmarks of Midwifery Care

I have been in the natural birth/midwifery community for so long that I tend to forget some of the things that are so common place for me, just aren't things that happen in standard hospital care. Some of these things that have come up for me lately....
  • Informed decision making
  • Full one hour long prenatal and postpartum appointments, giving time to discuss nutritional status, emotional and physical concerns
  • Encouraging women to be mobile throughout labor
  • Encouraging women to eat and drink throughout their labor in order to maintain energy for the rigors of labor.
  • Encouraging women to choose the position to birth in
  • Encouraging use of water during labor (shower, birth pool, etc.)
  • No episotomies
  • Delayed cord clamping
  • No separation of the newborn from the mother and family
There is so much more to midwifery care and home birth, I can't possibly list everything here tonight! These are just some of the hallmarks, that have come up lately. I encourage you to research your options for your pregnancy, birth and newborn.

You'll notice I did NOT use the word ALLOW. The reason for this is because as the pregnant woman you OWN your birth. these things are your decisions. I can not allow you to do or not do things because it is not my decision... it is yours! Do your research, learn your options... find your voice. OWN your birth!

"If you don't know your options, you don't have any." - Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer, A Good Birth, A Safe Birth